Mission and objectives
The mission of the Fondation suisse at the International University Campus in Paris (CIUP) is to operate and maintain the Swiss student residence founded pursuant to the terms of a deed of gift to the University of Paris on 10 July 1931.
In providing accommodation for foreign students studying in Paris and for academics staying in the capital for research or teaching purposes, the Fondation suisse aims to further the work initiated by the founders of the CIUP to cultivate intellectual and moral ties.
The residence also strives to foster exchanges between residents of all nationalities in a spirit of tolerance and mutual respect. To this end, it welcomes a certain number of residents from other houses on the CIUP, with as many Swiss residents being admitted to these other houses.
The Fondation suisse is administered by a council chaired by the Swiss Ambassador to France. The administrative council’s members include the President of the National Foundation of the CIUP, the Rector of the Universities of Paris, representatives of student residents at the Fondation suisse, as well as a representative of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation, and of the selection committee composed of representatives from Swiss higher education institutions under the umbrella of swissuniversities (Swiss universities rector’s conference).
The Fondation suisse receives an annual operating grant from the Swiss Confederation’s State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI). Funding is also provided by SERI for the conservation and maintenance of the Pavilion, which is managed by the Federal Office for Buildings and Logistics (FOBL) in Switzerland.
Recognised public interest foundation
The Fondation suisse was recognised as being of public interest in December 2011 (decree of 2 December 2011, published in the Official Journal of 4 December 2011).